Monday, February 18, 2008

More Than Just a Reviewer

To many throughout the geocaching community, MaxCacher was more than just a reviewer. He was also a cacher, JoGPS and a friend...Joe. Today, Joe announced that he was resigning from his position as a volunteer reviewer for the state of Tennessee. It is with sad hearts that we see Joe leave this area of the caching community. Joe has been a strong force in geocaching in Tennessee. He has hidden, hunted, reviewed and given council on more caches than I can even begin to imagine. He has always been willing to help the newbie and advise the seasoned cacher.

As with anyone in a position to make decisions, Joe met those that opposed him. I will say only one thing about this...whether you like his decision or not, Joe made his decision based on the guidelines set forth by If that worked for your cache...great, if not, it was still his decision
and he stood by it. I totally respect that. It is not always easy to do what is right, but it is still ALWAYS right.

To Joe, I say happy retirement. I feel quite sure you won't miss the stress of the "volunteer job" you have worked so hard at for so many years. Know that you will be missed as a reviewer, but we certainly hope this will free up some of your time so you can hit the trails m
ore and make more of those awesome JAG campouts.

Best Wishes friend.