Sunday, August 30, 2009

GeoRace Pics

Geo Race

August 29th was a special day for Jimmy & me for a couple of reasons. First of all, it was our 23rd Wedding Anniversary. (I love you babe!!!)

Second thing, this was the day of the 1st Annual Jackson Area GeoRace/Challenge. This was an awesome event. We had cachers from the local association, JAG, friends from the Memphis area and GOWT. There were also cachers from as far away as Alabama. Thanks for visiting us Team NAG!!! (the first place winners) The Usual Suspects came in second place and Team Updog finished a VERY close third. (Take a look at the pics to see team members.)

Everyone had a great time caching and catching up. Big Daddy D was the chef for the day and the burgers and hot dogs were AWESOME. Thanks BDD. There were also travel bugs and coins to be discovered and traded.

The most popular coin of the day was Curt's iPhone. This is a very humorous tale in and of itself. Maybe I will blog about it one day, but for those on the "inside" we know the story and the giggles at the mention of the coin are enough for now.

I hope you all enjoy the pics at least half as much as I enjoyed taking them. Hope to see you at the next event, October 16 & 17 when we will be camping at Mousetail. Be sure to check back for details.