With the coveted 1K Milestone in sight, I am soooo ready to do some caching during our Spring Break (this week). We have been sporadic at best when it comes to caching. Life and its trials and tribulations have taken a GREAT toll on JL and myself over the past seven months. As we continue to pray for strength to muddle through, more and more we are looking for time to escape. Line dancing has been a great escape during the winter months. However, with the arrival of Spring, we both are looking to do more caching. The hikes in the woods do wonders for a person's nerves.
We went for a couple of caches today. One of which has been on our map for a loooooong time and even though it was close to our home coordinates, we just never found time to go for it. Today we made time. It was a nice little walk, though the smell of the fertilizer or whatever was PUTRID, we still enjoyed the sun and the time out.
After leaving the cache we headed toward the Great River Road. On the way, we saw a new foal. So precious. They day was beautiful, the grass was greening up and new life was all over. Isn't God great. Even in the midst of our trials, He puts things in our path that have us to "be still and know that He is God."
I am thankful for a God like that. I am also thankful for our JAG Family. JAG's members are just like any other close friend or family member. You may go days, weeks, even months without seeing each other, but the minute you reunite, you pick right back up where you left off. We have some great people in our group. However, on more than one occasion we have been referred to by some as "a group of misfits and malcontents."
Webster defines malcontent as a discontented person or one who is in opposition to an established order. He also defines misfit and one who is unable to adjust to one's environment or circumstances.
First I must say that the "established order" from whence we came at that time, was anything but orderly. However, the misfit may be somewhat of an adequate term. True, we did not fit in with the environment/circumstances, but I don't think it was because we lacked the ability to adjust it was more a case of that we had too much integrity to "sell out/adjust."
The former group may be doing well and may be back on track. I have no knowledge of the group, nor do I have a desire to attain such information. I am most happy with my "misfit" friends. I fit right in with them. If honest, genuine people are what is considered to be a misfit, I am honored to be included in that number.
Our friends at JAG are GENUINE. Their concern for each person during a time of need is obvious. They are not intrusive with their concern, but helping hands or kind words are always in abundance. Our two year anniversary has come and gone. We will be celebrating together as the "JAG Nation" soon I hope, but not matter when it is, it will be great.
Maybe it will be so that the JAG Anniversary Celebration will be logged as our 1K cache. How appropriate would that be???